Early Spring Silhouettes.

01 3W5A0103

There is a period in Spring, before the grass greens and other plants become gaudy with color, when one looks expectantly at the branches wondering when buds and birds will show themselves. It is also a time to look at silhouettes – some of which also have their own seasonal changes.

This series of images, initially posted on our Facebook page, are derived from photos taken on walks near Hawthorne Valley Farm, but many of the trees are widespread in our region. How many of the trees can you recognize from their outlines before looking at the captions?

02 larch 3W5A0138


Larches are our only regional native conifer which is deciduous; that is, it loses its needles each winter. During this season, it’s easy to assume they’re a dead spruce. But keep an eye on them and you’ll see that clusters of bright green needles soon appear.


03 Red maple 3W5A0072

Red Maple

Since the time I took this photograph (6 April) and now (11 April), these flower buds have burst, producing Red Maple’s floral fireworks. The flowers are small but look for a grey tree now hazed with red and then inspect its branches closely – these are beautiful flowers when seen up close.


04 3W5A0228

Red Winged Blackbird

These birds bring a splash of visual color and plenty of auditory color. They arrived back a month or more ago. This one was calling from a snag close to a nearby wetland.


05 ash 3W5A9933


The stocky, opposite branches of ashes are easily noted in the canopy. Unfortunately, many of our regional ashes are dying because of the arrival of the Emerald Ash Borer. The trunks of such trees are often starkly obvious as woodpeckers strip the bark in apparent pursuit of the Borer or perhaps subsequent insect arrivals to the rotting wood.


06 oak 3W5A0015

Red Oak (or something close to that)

Oaks often keep their leaves in winter, providing a touch of brown tan to the grey of the forest.


07 populus 3W5A9980


The Aspen are in flower, and their long catkins are dangling down like tiny bedraggled socks. Slightly earlier in the year, Ruffed Grouse (one of which I think I heard near here this Spring) may have browsed in these branches.


08 grey birch sql nest 3W5A9908

Grey Squirrel nest

Grey Squirrels sometimes make nests (aka dreys) out of twigs, leaves, moss and other materials. The nests serve both as nighttime quarters and nursery.


09 shabark 3W5A0012

Shagbark Hickory

Shagbark Hickories exhibit what botanists call ‘Gothic Branching’. Just kidding, but the branches of Shagbark often seem to form thought-provoking webs against the sky. This one may be showing some ‘witch’s brooms’ (that IS an official botanical term) – those oddly spaced clusters of dense branching. Such structures occur in a variety of trees and can come about for a range of reasons.


10 sumach 3W5A9904


Sea worms? These are the now-stripped stalks that once held the sumac’s reddish seed clusters.


11 Red Cedar 3W5A9985

Red Cedar

Sun-growing Red Cedar quickly comes into old pastures, abetted by the fact that its sharp needles deter browsers. If the forest quickly grows around them, then they will often be shaded out, but Red Cedar on forest edges, such as this one, can grow long and large.


12 antenna 3W5A0041

Cell Tower

Rigid is the word that comes to mind.


13 white pine 3W5A9977

White Pine

One can almost hear the subtle swishing woosh that White Pine’s needles make in the wind. I haven’t yet found the audio guide to ‘tree calls’, but it could be useful.


14 alder 3W5A0006


Alders have the male flowers in supple catkins, while the female flowers are in woody cones.


15 nannyberry 3W5A0098


Purveyor of the Northwoods dates. Well, not really, but the dry, sweet fruit of this viburnum is reminiscent of true dates. It looks as if creatures or weather have already stripped this bush of its fruits.


16 sugar maple 3W5A0053

Sugar Maple

Sugar Maple has a lighter spray than Red Maple and doesn’t show Red Maple’s tiny pompoms of flower buds.


17 sql 3W5A0056

Grey Squirrel in Elm

The squirrel may well have been feeding on this elm’s swelling flower buds.


18 grape 3W5A0081

Grape Tangle

Unlike bittersweet, grape vines aren’t stranglers. Many are native. Nonetheless, they can form a heavy, shading load. The ecology of northeastern grape vines seems to be an understudied area of forest ecology.


19 willow3W5A9892


Willows end in wisps. Their flexible branches may help make them more resistant to damage from the floods that regularly hit their waterside haunts.


20 catalpa 3W5A0037


Catalpa’s dangling pods are distinctive (however, it’s not a legume). Originally a tree of the Deep South, it has been widely planted and can grow well north of its earlier range.




This appears to be a gangly, fast-growing elm. Although Dutch Elm disease killed many of our elms, they can still be common in various habitats, especially stream sides.


22 dead 3W5A0124

A rip, a river, a snag.

Hard to know what tree this was during life, but elm would seem to be a possibility.


23 ash 3W5A0109

Ash again.

The thick ash branches contrast with the fine whorls of seed stalks from which once hung this tree’s elongate samaras. Winter winds seem to have cleaned house.


24 spruce 3W5A0024

Red Maple and spruce

We have very few native spruce trees in the County; spruce’s densely packed needles are most often seen where they were planted in backyards, parks and the like.


25 Norway Spruce 3W5A9975

Norway Spruce

As the name suggests, Norway Spruce is not native (although Norway Pine is!). It is widely planted, and its Eeyore-like dropping branches are distinctive.


26 black chry 3W5A0085

Black Cherry.

Dogged. Black Cherry is another tree of young forests. Look for its dark, scaly bark. Its branches are sometimes marked with distinctive woody swellings of Black Knot fungus.


27 grey birch 3W5A9958

Grey Birch

Grey Birch is the more winnowy cousin of White Birch. Grey Birches are common in our forests, especially in old field regrowth. Despite their name, their bark is quite whitish, but their stature and frequent clustering help identify them.


28 sumach 3W5A0117

Sumac again.

This sumac still has some of it dried fruits, producing a cluster of dancing seed heads in contrast to the earlier sea worms of its bare branches.

The forest will soon be turning green and the woody architecture will be hidden behind lively leaves. That will bring out new personalities in many of these trees.

29 landscape 3W5A9967