Exploration of the Butterfly House, Native Plant Garden and Nature Trail

Saturday, July 31, 2021 - 10:00 to 13:00

Exploration of the Butterfly House, Native Plant Garden and Nature Trail
at the Creekhouse (1075 Harlemville Rd., Ghent NY)
Fridays, 1-4pm and Saturdays, 10am-1pm (July hours); free, no registration required

Self-guided exploration (during opening hours); Guided tours on the hour (butterfly house) and 1/2 hour (native plant garden)

The small butterfly house is stocked weekly for a few days with butterfly guests from the surrounding farm, which are then released again back into the wild. This butterfly “catch of the week,” which is a representation of the local butterflies currently active in our landscape, as well as other live insects on display will be weather-dependent and differ throughout the season.

The native plant garden serves as an example of an informal, low-maintenance, nature-friendly backyard. It is home to more than 100 native plant species (many of them labelled) and the plants currently in bloom are featured at the information kiosk. The garden serves as a learning tool, an inspiration, and a peaceful place to enjoy!

A small nature trail, including a boardwalk along the stream, serves as a "phenology trail" for monitoring the life cycle stages of a selection of plants. New signage and kiosk displays featuring our phenology research as well as information about pollinators and the native plant garden are designed to enrich the visitors' experience.