History as Ecology Series with Conrad: 5 From Earth to Brick (a walk in Greenport)

Saturday, February 17, 2024 - 13:00 to 15:00

Sat. 17 February, 1-3pm (tentative date): From earth to brick (Walk at the Greenport Conservation Area).

This is the fifth and last offering in our popular series "History as Ecology" by Conrad Vispo. Please make sure to register for this free event to reserve a space. We will provide registrants with location details and background information the week before the event.

The glacial lake that built NYC - visiting a former brickyard on the wooded banks of the Hudson. This walk will pass through field and young forest and descend to (and later ascend from) the ruins of one of the many former brickyards along the Hudson River. What motivated and facilitated this activity? What impact did it have on the landscape?

The roughly 2mi round-trip will follow marked trails, but does involve some ups and downs. We plan to be outside for the entire period, with some pausing to chat, and participants should dress accordingly.