The edges of large streams can create unique conditions for the vegetation growing upon them. Regular flooding can bring physical and hydrological challenges, while coarse soils on some sites can mean that, for portions of the year, the ground is surprisingly dry. Unique plant combinations have arisen on such lands, but their sometimes flooded conditions and the flotsam and debris of past floods often discourage exploration. Floodplain forests are commonly part of farmland because low flatlands in general often provide the best agricultural soils. Our work, largely in collaboration with Hudsonia, described variation in forest types across floodplains in Columbia and Dutchess counties. We documented some cool plants (and an impressive array of floating garbage). We also mapped such forests and provided our thoughts on their conservation.
2009 Report on the Floodplain Forests of Columbia County: This report summarizes our explorations here in Columbia County, and includes maps and diagrams of our forests.
The Dancer’s Hem:This is a popular, less data-dense version of our report for those of you who want the fluff without the meat.
2010 Report on the Floodplain forests of Dutchess and Columbia Counties: Summarizes our overview of the forests based upon our collaborative with Hudsonia.